Employer Branding and Organisational Studies

Employer Branding

The “employer brand” simply boils down to the question and its answer: “Why would candidate x work for us?”, where x can be one of the employees who can bring added value to the company, that “talent” that, not – that’s right, we want to attract him in a recruitment process. The “employer brand” is defined by the reputation of the company, in relation to the workforce.

How do you build the employer brand?

You might think you don’t have to worry about your employer brand if you have a great company and it’s going well. But the truth is that, although it matters, having an excellent company is not enough.

Because of the way the world has changed in recent decades, it is harder than ever to attract and retain top talent. And if you want a strategy to build a strong team in your company, then you need to make sure that people see your company as a place where they can develop.

This is where the employer brand comes in. It’s how you let people know what makes your company special and why they should want to work there – and it goes beyond simply posting job ads online!

Having a strong employer brand can help attract quality candidates and retain good employees – and it’s not just about what the company does or how much money it pays; it is also about the way they treat those who are already on board.

A strong employer brand can help you:

  • to attract talents and retain them, reducing the risks of the candidate selection process;
  • to increase their commitment, their desire to perfect their professional training and to see it maximized;
  • to reduce personnel fluctuations and its turnover rate.

The people you keep

The expertise and equidistantness required by the development and implementation of employer branding strategies and organizational studies translate into our contribution regarding the design of the right tools, data processing and the presentation of a complex report with conclusions and recommendations, based on documented information.

Employee evaluation

The HR employee evaluation process provides information related to:

  • designing the procedure, evaluation tools, collecting data, analyzing and interpreting them, developing evaluation reports;
  • applying the evaluation system customized to the specifics of the company;
  • harmonizing the assessment with legislation and other external sources of norms and rules.


  • analyze the professional activity and the results obtained by the employees in relation to the job requirements and their alignment with the organization’s objectives;
  • evaluate competencies and behaviors related to work/attitude in the organization;
  • strengthen employee motivation through: transparency, providing feedback, proposing a career/professional training plan;
  • remind management expectations, objectives and performance standards in your organization;

EOS (Employees Satisfaction Survey)

It provides information related to:

  • the impact of the implemented human resources policy;
  • employees’ perception of the organization;
  • strengths and critical points through the eyes of employees in your company;
  • the perception related to the degree of burden of the norm at the workplace;


  • discover how you can strengthen employee motivation or identify demotivating factors and act on them;
  • design benefits and compensation tools or adapt them to changes;
  • predict if you will face a significant staff turnover in the next period;
  • identify the strengths of employees and effective leadership models in the company, in order to replicate them;
  • identify the needs for change in your company;

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Because its effects aim, strengthening or weakening the employer’s “front” powers, in the following directions:

  • Selection and recruitment of personnel
  • Staff retention
  • Staff efficiency and productivity

… through the answer that candidates, in a recruitment process, give to the question: “Why would I work or not for company x?”. Especially candidates who have a career as their target, not just a job, will be interested in this aspect. Not without taking into account the specifics of each position and each industry in the recruitment process, as well as other criteria, we will be able to remember as efficiency indicators that correlate with the “Employer Brand”: the number of applicants to job advertisements, the ability to to attract active and latent candidates, the no/show rate at the interview and the percentage of those who will accept/reject the job offer.

  • Top-Management and Middle-Management
  • The Human Resources Department – here I will detail, it must focus on approaching the recruitment process in a professional manner, use the company presentation as a branding tool, present personnel policies to candidates/employees transparently. It is also important that after the completion of a recruitment process feedback is sent to the non-selected candidates and that the promises made when hiring future colleagues are respected. Furthermore, after the end of the recruitment mission, it is important for the Human Resources Department to be a catalyst in the integration of the new colleague, to introduce him to his colleagues and company procedures, to request feedback and to take into account, together with other decision-makers in the organization chart of the company, implementing the performance evaluation process, establishing and monitoring career/professional training/succession plans for employees, compensation and benefits policy, etc. You might also be interested in: https://solutiiriresurseumane.ro/evaluarea-performantelor-angajatilor/
    The Department of Marketing, Sales, etc.
  • The number of applicants for a vacant job in the company (the specifics of the industry/position, the period in which the recruitment takes place, etc. will be taken into account)
  • Opinion studies regarding employee satisfaction in the company, and the global employee satisfaction index can be taken into account as an indicator. These studies do not only describe the level of satisfaction of the employees, but bring relevant information about their perception of the organization they belong to, from all the angles that interest them – see also: The number of applicants for a vacant job in the company (the specifics of the industry/position, the period in which the recruitment takes place, etc. will be taken into account)
    Opinion studies regarding employee satisfaction in the company, and the global employee satisfaction index can be taken into account as an indicator. These studies do not only describe the level of satisfaction of the employees, but bring relevant information about their perception of the organization they belong to, from all the angles that interest them – see also: https://solutiiresurseumane.ro/studiu-de-satisfactie-a-angajatilor/.
    The exit interviews will provide valuable information, and as an indicator we will track the percentage of staff turnover (“turnover” rate). It is not enough to attract the right candidates in a recruitment process and in the organization, retention is very important in the capitalization of human resources. The outplacement services, in case of necessary collective restructuring, will also contribute to the consolidation, even in these conditions, of the brand (you might also be interested: https://solutiiriresurseumane.ro/outplacement/). A positive experience between employer and employee will also be completed by the way the relationship between the parties ended.
    Customer satisfaction studies, respectively awareness studies addressed to them/consumers/candidates.
  • The exit interviews will provide valuable information, and as an indicator we will track the percentage of staff turnover (“turnover” rate). It is not enough to attract the right candidates in a recruitment process and in the organization, retention is very important in the capitalization of human resources. The outplacement services, in case of necessary collective restructuring, will also contribute to the consolidation, even in these conditions, of the brand (you might also be interested: https://solutiiriresurseumane.ro/outplacement/). A positive experience between employer and employee will also be completed by the way the relationship between the parties ended.
  • Customer satisfaction studies, respectively awareness studies addressed to them/consumers/candidates.

Informatiile de mai sus, coroborate, vor oferi o sinteza a punctelor forte si punctelor slabe/de imbunatatit, in vederea consolidarii „Brandului de angajator”.

Desi am fi tentati sa credem acest lucru, un brand puternic de angajator nu este apanajul multinationalelor ori al companiilor cu renume in piata. Un brand puternic pot construi si firmele mici sau medii, uneori acestea putand oferi oportunitati si un mediu de lucru foarte atractive pentru candidati/angajati. Important este ca, prin tot ceea ce compania face, sa reuseasca sa transmita urmatorul mesaj candidatilor in procesul de recrutare/angajatilor sai: „ne tratam cu seriozitate angajatii, iar timpul petrecut de acestia alaturi de noi este timp castigat”.

Dacă vrei să afli mai multe despre construirea brandului de angajator, aruncă o privire la articolul nostru despre cultura organizațională, care vine în ajutorul tău cu informații privind tipurile de culturi, beneficiile acestora și cum poți crea o cultura organizațională pozitivă.

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